The Wolf is a grizzled grey but colour varies from white to black. The male is larger than the female and average weight is 55-130 pounds. The wolf is a very social animal who mates for life and lives in packs of 2-15. Usually hunting at night, they feed primarily on large mammals by chasing down their victims either slashing tendons or driving it back to waiting pack members. Even though they kill only to survive, studies show that wolves play a key role in drastically decreasing the number of ungulates, sometimes beyond the rate of replacement, in any given area. The wolf’s only predator is man.
The Cougar is an ambush predator that pursues a wide variety of prey. Primary food sources are unguents, particularly deer It prefers habitats with dense underbrush and rocky areas for stalking, but can also live in open areas. Like the wolf, the cougars only predator is man.
The Lynx have a short tail, characteristic tufts of black hair on the tips of their ears, large, padded paws for walking on snow. As climates get colder and more northerly, lynx have progressively thicker fur, lighter colour, and their paws are larger and more padded to adapt to the snow. Their paws may be larger than a human hand or foot.
We recommend retaining other species tags along with your hunt as these are such diverse wildlife areas, you might come across another trophy along your hunting journey. Examples are a Black Bear tag along with your Elk hunt, or a Moose and Elk combo, or Goat, Moose, Caribou combo. Which ever animal your hunting we almost always recommend adding a Black Bear tag to out hunts as they are very adaptable and live along the way for most of these hunts.
Horseshoe Creek Outfitters spans an exceptional hunting territory in Northern British Columbia.
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